Travel Writers Wanted: Submit Your Stories & Photos
Do you travel? Do you write about your travels or want to have some pieces published here? If you have any stories you want to submit we will accept interesting personal travel pieces with two or three photographs. We are looking for written pieces of from 500 to 1000 words of original, factual, personal travel writing with one to three original photographs.
We don’t have any strict writers guidelines. You must just have a willingness to share and an eagerness to participate and create something for others to enjoy. We are themed around travel and places that are safe for families and solo women or single travellers. If you want to share then we would love to share your works on our little tiny website.
We will add all qualified writers to our list of contributors along with a short bio of your own words describing yourself (150 words max) along with a link to your own personal website. We sometimes hire travel writers through if we are not currently travelling and writing but usually free submissions are the best way to get started with having your material on this website.
Send us an email with any questions or with your travel piece in word format and photos in jpg format to
Feel free to also leave your comments anywhere on the website, we love to read comments and hear stories, anecdotes, dreams and ideas about travel and beyond the now. Happy, and safe, travels!