Safety Data Sources & Resources
This website relies on first-hand experience and submissions from travellers and writers to influence the safety rankings in the lists and recommendations published on this website. The fact that one person visits a country and labels it as a safe country for a family to visit does not mean that this will be the case for other families or visitors nor will the information on this website necessarily be up to date and include any recent incidents of civil unrest or conflict or changing population patterns that can occur during world crisis.
We are also extremely grateful for the hard work and wonderful published resources and public data of several agencies and groups around the world including:
– Institute for Economics & Peace
– Global Peace Index
– World Economic Forum
– The Global Competitiveness and Risks Team
– The Industry Partnership Programme for Aviation & Travel
– The Government of Canada Travel Advisories Media Publications
– Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State
– U.K. Government Travel Advisories Publications
– Australian Government Foreign Affairs Department