Safe Destinations

The safest and most peaceful places for travel and vacations

Travel Advisories

Azerbaijan Travel Advisory On September 20, 2023

Information about recent military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh ('Summary' and 'Safety and Security' pages).

Travel Advisory Published: September 20, 2023 08:35
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Greece Travel Advisory On September 20, 2023

Information on possible disruption to public transport and health services on 21 September (‘Strikes and demonstrations’ on the ‘Safety and …
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Costa Rica Travel Advisory On September 20, 2023

Updated information on visas ('Entry requirements' page). Travel Advisory Published: September 20, 2023 08:22 Cited Source: Poland Travel Advisory …
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Poland Travel Advisory On September 19, 2023

Information about taking photographs of military or other security installations ('Safety and security' page). Travel Advisory Published: September 19, 2023 …
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Albania Travel Advisory On September 19, 2023

This travel advice has been rewritten to make it easier to read and understand. Travel Advisory Published: September 19, 2023 …
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